Gear 10

MYR 26
MYR 58
MYR 106
MYR 950


GEAR-10 is an all-natural bio-stimulant, consisting of particular biological activators that are created through a proprietary fermentation process.


  • Reduces flower and fruit abortion
  • Increases growth and yield
  • Reduces fertilizer application
  • Improves fruit quality
  • Reduces plant stress
  • Facilitates root growth and nutrient uptake

How it Works

GEAR-10 intensifies the activity of the plant-soil system.

The active agents include vitamins, enzymes, triacontanol and other powerful growth stimulators. GEAR-10 promotes soil life by working with the natural ecosystem to invigorate rhizoshperic activity.

Photosynthesis is increased, so more carbon from the air is fixed into the plant tissue. Vigorous metabolism happens and energy-rich compounds are produced in the leaves. These compounds move into the root system. Then they move out into the soil where billions of bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa, and other organism feed on these energy-rich compounds. The organism in return release minerals and growth stimulants for plant uptake. Plant stress is reduced, removing growth and yield limitations.


GEAR-10 can be applied by:

  • Treatment to the seeds or transplant
  • Spray to the soil and or leaves
  • Run through an irrigation system

Mixture - 1g into 10 liters water

CropTimingRate Per Ha.
RiceSeed treatment
20 Days after planting or 3 to 5 leaf stage
5g : 1 litre water
150g /Ha
Corn / MaizeSeed treatment
3 to 5 leaf stage
5g : 1 litre water
150g /Ha
Cucumber / Tomato/ Strawberry1week after planting
Before flowering
Thereafter every 4 weeks
300g /Ha
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
Cabbage / Broccoli / CauliflowerAt planting
14 days later
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
Carrot / Turnip / RadishAt transplanting
14 days later
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
Cassava / Sweet PotatoAt planting
Every 45 days
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
Mango / Durian / Guava / JackfruitBefore or at flowering
Every 3 months
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
Citrus – Orange / LemonEvery 2 months150g /Ha
Banana / Pineapple / CoffeeAt transplanting
Thereafter every 60 days
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
SugarcaneAt planting
At 30 days old
At 60 days old
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
Oil palmEvery 3 months200g /Ha
OnionAt planting
At 30 days old
At 60 days old
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
150g /Ha
HydroponicEvery 7 days50g /Ha
Grass / TurfEvery 2 months100g /Ha
Trees – landscapeEvery 2 months100g /Ha